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Lesson 1: Preparing to Install SQL Server 2005

Editions of SQL Server 2005

Edition Description
Enterprise Highly scalable and available enterprise-level database server (OS도 엔터프라이즈로 해야 함.)
Standard Database server for department-level applications (클러스터링 2노드까지 지원된다.)
Workgroup Database for workgroup or branch office operations (리플리케이션 기능 포함, 국내에서는 잘 사용하지 않음)
Express Version of SQL Server 2005 for disconnected clients or stand-alone applications
Compact Compact database for smart devices
Developer Enterprise edition licensed for development and testing use only (XP에도 깔린다)

참고 : http://www.microsoft.com/korea/sql/2005/productinfo/sql2005features.mspx

  • Cluster
    • MSCS → Shared Nothing
    • NLBS
    • CSCS

Hardware Requirements for SQL Server 2005

32bits OS인 경우 4GB 초과메모리 쓸 경우, Boot.ini 수정해야 함.

Software Requirements for SQL Server 2005

Express Standard Workgroup Enterprise Developer
Windows Server 2003 SP1 (all PC editions) O O O O O
Windows XP SP2 (Home Editions) O O
Windows XP SP2 (Professional, Media Center and Tablet Editions) O O O O
Windows 2000 Professional SP4 O O O O
Windows 2000 Server SP4 (all editions) O O O O O

What Are Instances of SQL Server?

  • Default Instance
    • Identified by the network name of the computer on which it is running
  • Named Instance (클러스터를 구성할때는 사용됨)
    • Identified by the network name of the computer plus an instance name

Licensing Options for SQL Server 2005

  • Processor license
    • Requires a single license for each CPU in the operating system instance running SQL Server
  • Server plus device CALs
    • Requires a license for the computer running the Microsoft server product, as well as a CAL for each client device
  • Server plus user CALs
    • Requires a license for the computer running the Microsoft server product, as well as a CAL for each user

Security Considerations for SQL Server Services

  • Services
  • Using a domain user account
    • Specifies a domain user account that uses Windows Authentication
  • Using the Local System account
    • A powerful, built-in account that has full access to the computer
  • Using the Network Service account
    • Accesses network resources using the credentials of the computer account

Collation Considerations for SQL Server 2005

  • Windows collations
    • Based on the rules for an associated Windows locale
  • SQL collations
    • Matches the attributes of common combinations of code page number and sort order that may have been specified in earlier versions of SQL Server
  • Default collation and sort rules
    • SQL Server applies the default if you do not designate a collation and select sort rules

Considerations for Upgrading to SQL Server 2005

  • Versions
    • SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3) or later
    • SQL Server 7.0 SP4 or later
  • Upgrade Adviser
    • Analyzes installed SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 7.0 components
  • Database compatibility
    • Set database level options to retain compatibility with earlier versions of SQL Server

Lesson 2: Installing SQL Server 2005

Overview of the SQL Server 2005 Installation Process

Component update → SQL Setup MSI (Run System Configuration Checker → Select Features → Specify Install Type → Install Features)

What Is the System Configuration Checker?

Checks installation requirements

  • Software requirements
  • Hardware requirements
  • Security requirements
  • System state requirements

Options for Installing Components

Component Description
SQL Server Database Services Database engine, replication, and full-text search
Analysis Services Server and tools for online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining
Reporting Services Services for generating and distributing reports
Notification Services Platform for applications that send notifications
Integration Services Tools and components for transferring data
Workstation components, Books Online and development tools Tools and documentation

Performing an Unattended Installation

  • Creating an .ini file
    • You can create an .ini file for unattended installation using any text editor
  • Starting an unattended installation

Lesson 3: Managing a SQL Server 2005 Installation

dbms/mssql/edu/maintain_sql2005/module1.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2008/05/22 15:06 저자 gauryan