===== Oracle Development ===== ===== SQL ===== - [[dbms:oracle:admin:oraclesqlplus|SQL*PLUS]] - [[dbms:oracle:concept:oraclejoin | 오라클 조인(Join)의 방법과 형태 ]] - SQL/92 - SQL/99 ===== PL/SQL ===== - [[dbms:oracle:devel:oracleplsql| PL/SQL 기초 ]] - Function - Procedure - Package - Trigger - Exception ===== 기본함수 ===== - Single Row Functions - Aggregate Functions - Grouping Rows ===== 날짜함수 / 시간함수 ===== - [[dbms:oracle:devel:oracledatefunction | 날짜 함수 ]] ===== 서브쿼리(SubQuery) ===== ===== Oracle Advanced Queries ===== - Set Operators - TRANSLATE() Function - DECODE() Function - CASE - HIERARCHICAL QUERY (계층쿼리) - WITH 절 - GROUP BY Clauses - ROLLUP Clauses - Analytic Function - 분석함수 - [[dbms:oracle:devel:rank | RANK Functions ]] - Inverse Percentile Functions - Window Functions - Reporting Functions - LAG() and LEAD() Functions - FIRST and LAST Functions - Linear Regression Functions - Hypothetical Rank and Distribution Functions - MODEL Clauses - [[dbms:oracle:devel:regexp | Oracle Regular Expression - 오라클정규표현식 ]] - GROUPING SETS - Flashback Query - Version Query - Transaction Query ===== Data Migration ===== - [[ https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E25259_01/appdev.31/e24285/migration.htm#RPTUG40000 | SQL Developer: Migrating Third-Party Databases ]] - [[ http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/db/sqldev/r30/SQLServerMigration/SQLServerMigration.htm#t5 | Migrating a Microsoft SQL Server Database to Oracle Database 11g ]] - [[ https://taliphakanozturken.wordpress.com/2012/11/29/migration-from-sql-server-to-oracle-using-sql-developer/ | Migration From SQL Server To Oracle Using SQL Developer ]] ===== Oracle Search ===== - [[ https://community.oracle.com/thread/473923?start=0&tstart=0 | ORACLE9I TEXT - KOREAN_MORPH_LEXER ]] - [[ http://sphinxsearch.com/wiki/doku.php?id=sphinx_oracle_odbc ]]