====== Installation SLAPD On Debian Linux ======
===== Installing Slapd =====
# apt-get install slapd
Answer the following questions:
DNS domain name: example.com\\
Name of organisation: Example.com\\
Admin password: password\\
Confirm password: password\\
Allow LDAP v2: yes
===== Installing phpldapadmin =====
# apt-get install phpldapadmin
And use the following to answer the questions
Authentication type: session\\
Restart: yes
위의 과정을 거치면, Apache 와 PHP 도 설치될 것이다.
===== Configuring and Populating LDAP =====
# /etc/init.d/slapd restart
웹브라우저에서 http://example.com/phpldapadmin 로 접속하여, Login DN에 cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com를 입력하고, 비밀번호를 입력하여 로그인한다.